Wednesday, March 7, 2007


"My goal is not to wake up at forty with a bitter realization that I wasted my life at a job I hate because I was forced to decide on a career in my teens." - Daria Morgandorffer

Meet Daria. She is an old childhood friend of mine. We met back in the days when I had time to watch television after school because there was no such thing as "stress" or "deadlines". Now days, I find myself no longer watching her but seeing certain events and people through her eyes. And I must tell you, it's quite a humorous experience.

Although, compared to Daria, most things in my world are not so doom and gloom. I'm Erin. I'm 18 this year (which sounds far better than ‘17, 18 in November') and I enjoy the usual teenage adventures (or "set backs" as I will probably call them later in life) such as a job, a boyfriend, friends and the occasional party. Just to fill in time between these things, I decided to become a full-time journalism student at Griffith University. This blog is in fact for one of my core journalism subjects, New Communication and technology (Hi Jules!) and so far, I’m pleased. Unlike certain other lectures I have attended, the lectures for NewCom&Tech seem based on fact and intellect, rather than "what could this wall of teabags represent?" or "what kind of tree can you be down there on the ground?"... I’M A FUCKING SHRUB OKAY! Haha ("Girl, interrupted" reference… good movie).

Anyway, as a future journalist, this blog mustn’t seem too impressive - but it's only my second week of study! Give me a couple more days at least. Like Daria, I'm also worried I was herded into the wrong uni course too early and am going to realise half way through that this isn’t the place for me, but we will give it a go. Who knows, this blog might become world famous and you will be seeing me read you the nightly news in ten years time.

Or maybe not.


Dean said...

erin i love it! its great and to know your writing will only get better and better from here then YAY! :D and i will definatly be looking out for you on nightly news in the future years :) also... im your first comment!!! yay!
lotsa love xoxox
Dean :)

John Deltoid said...

If you don't remember my name next week i will nover talk to you again and i will delete your blog link from mine. And i'm not gonna sign my name on this comment because that will make it too easy for you.

Dumont said...

Congratultions on ur blog... u are a writer, but still need to develop... thats y ur at uni... its nice erin... well done... im in malaysia having a fuking awesome time... holla bak on myspace... cheers

J x

Harry Potah said...

Nice Blog Beanie!!!!! You went all out ay and its mean