Sunday, May 20, 2007

Using Microsoft Excel

So I started this task last week because I'm so studious...

This backfired.

Here I am in class having to re-do the task because I didn't bring it on USB. Whinge, whine, complain and whinge a little more.
Ah well, we soldier on. Here is a small commentary following my progress on Microsoft X L

Open Microsoft Excel - easy.
Type words such as "Total", "Cost" and "Rate" into the cells - easy.
Enter weird formulas - needed minimal guidance.
Highlight multiple cells - Confused (but then found helpful note about the 'Control' key)
Graphs - easy.
Advanced exercise 1 - hard. (Got stuck on 'Hiding' row 4)

I may have failed Advanced exercise 1 but at least I tried.
Ps: Kudos to the poor soul who sat and typed up all those instructions!

Now the following quote doesn't really relate to anything but it makes me smile :-)

Daria- All right, let’s not get panicked. We’re going to look at the situation calmly and objectively. Agreed?

Quinn- Okay.

Daria- We’re out in the middle of nowhere, no one knows we’re here, we have no way to contact the outside world, and our parents have gone insane.

Quinn- Yes.

Daria- This is really scary Quinn.

Quinn- But why did they go insane?

Daria- Knowing Dad and his excellent woodland skills, I’d say it was the berries. Except…

Quinn- It couldn’t have been the berries.

Daria- That’s what I think. You ate them too and you seem okay.

Quinn- No, I meant because those weren’t the glitter berries.

Daria- Glitter berries?

Quinn- You know, the glitter berries! The ones that fill your mouth with beautiful sparkling glitter when you bite into them. Those are the ones that make you act weird. I mean until you spread your shimmering wings and fly away.


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