Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Using Microsoft Word

For this weeks task I found out that I could...

  1. Open, type AND save a word document!
  2. Use Bold, Italics, Underlining and Bullet points
  3. Create Headers, Footer and Double Spacing
  4. and Track my changes!!

The sad thing is I was actually excited when I found out about 'tracking changes' and even though I will probably never use it again in my life, it was still good to know. I was pretty proud of myself knowing i flew through the first 4 menial tasks quite quickly, but soon became annoyed when i couldn't do the final exercise of 'Mail Merge'. I tried my hardest, but the instructions just didn't correlate with my version of Word. Using 'Help' would simply have degraded my 'Microsoft Ego' further, so I left it at the fact that some things on Word were just never meant for the likes of me.

All in all - an exhilarating start to my Wednesday morning.

Daria - "My life is so full already that trying biodegradable toilet paper would just bring it to the bursting point. What about you?"

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